Keyword analysis - the basis for successful SEO
Mit einer Keyword Analyse gewinnen wir wertvolle Insights für die Marketing Aktivitäten Ihres Unternehmens. Sie erfahren auf diesem Wege, unter welchen Suchbegriffe Sie auf jeden Fall gefunden werden müssen. Eine sorgfältig durchgeführte Keyword Analyse ist eine ideale Grundlage für die Ausarbeitung einer effizienten Marketing Kampagne.
Für verschiedene Marketingaktivitäten im Internet sollte vorab eine Keyword Analyse durchgeführt werden. Besonders wichtig ist eine solche Keyword Analyse für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung, aber auch Werbesysteme wie Google Ads profitieren von den Resultaten einer Keyword Analyse. Eine Keyword Analyse hilft dem Unternehmen dabei, die relevanten Suchbegriffe zu finden. Sie kann sowohl für Startseite, wichtige Unterseiten oder für spezielle Landingpages durchgeführt werden.
Das Ziel einer Keyword Analyse ist das Recherchieren möglichst vieler bedeutsamer Suchbegriffe für ein Thema. Ob ein Suchbegriff für ein Unternehmen relevant ist, erläutern wir weiter unten. Das Resultat der Keywords Analyse hilft bei der inhaltlichen Ausgestaltung der jeweiligen Seite – und ermöglicht es so, den Content möglichst umfassend zu erstellen.
Unsere SEO Experten verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung mit der Recherche von relevanten Suchbegriffen. Mit dem Einsatz von marktführenden SEO Tools führen wir gerne eine Keywords Analyse auch für Ihr Unternehmen durch. Selbstverständlich berücksichtigen wir dabei auch die strategische Ausrichtung Ihres Unternehmens.
What are keywords or search terms?
If someone searches for something on Google, their input is understood as a keyword or search term. A keyword can consist of one or more words. Examples of search queries are “carpenter kansas”, “Learn drums” or “Golfing”. The search engine tries to interpret the search intention of the searcher as well as possible and delivers the search result accordingly. In many cases, understanding a search query is not that easy – the search term “golf” could mean the vehicle, the sport or the sea.
Understanding search terms is also very important for companies. Only if you know the search terms that people are using to search for products or solutions can you use online marketing to ensure that you are found. We are also happy to carry out other off-page SEO measures for you.
Keyword search intent
The searched terms on Google and other search engines can be classified into four categories. This categorization helps to select suitable keywords. Also, knowing the search intent allows for the creation of more relevant content. The following four types are distinguished:
- Information-driven search queries: The searcher gathers information about a topic. If this search is connected to a purchase process, the searcher is at the beginning of the purchase decision process. In many cases, people are looking for advice, instructions or help.
- Transactional searches: In this case, the searcher wants to perform a transaction. This can be a purchase or an order – but a download or a contact request can also be the result of a transactional search query. With regard to the classification in the purchase decision process, this search query should be sorted towards the end.
- Navigation-oriented search queries: The search query should lead the user to a specific page. The search for the search term “Facebook” should not usually reveal any information about the social network, but bring the searcher to the social network as quickly as possible. These search queries play an unordered role in the purchasing process
- Brand search queries: A brand search query searches for a specific brand.
For search engine optimization, it is important to know the search intention behind a search query. This is the only way the content can be perfectly adapted to the intention of the visitor. This ensures a good visitor experience!
In addition to the search types described above, search terms are often specified using location and/or time information. This can also be a good starting point for providing the searcher with optimal content.
Let us analyze your keywords!
Keyword Analysis: Which search terms are relevant for my company?
The keyword analysis is not just about researching as many search terms as possible that could somehow fit the company and its products / solutions. In particular, it is also about the evaluation and classification of the search terms found. The longest possible list of keywords would cause unnecessary resources in content creation or SEO measures.
Relevant search terms therefore mean that the search term is relevant for the searcher and for the strategic objectives of the company. For a gardener based in Berlin, the search query “gardener Berlin” is relevant, because this is exactly the job he offers his customers. The search term is just as relevant for the searcher, because for him a gardener in Berlin is the solution to his tasks or problems. By the way: The right search terms are also important for backlinks. We would be happy to advise you on buying backlinks!
Some search terms may appear to match, but are not conducive to the specific strategic objective. For our gardener in Berlin, the search term “garden tools Berlin” could fall into this category. Gardening tools match the gardener and the geographical reference is also correct, but since the gardener does not sell the gardening tools, he can neither fulfill the search intention of the searcher with this search query – nor earn money. Except in a dedicated guide article as part of a content marketing campaign, this search term should be avoided for our gardener from the capital.
When researching relevant search terms, another perspective should be considered. Many seekers have a specific problem, but do not know the solution or the solution. Therefore, they can only look for the symptoms of their problem and not for suitable products. Businesses are well-advised to research the problems their customers are suffering from before using the company’s services and products.
In our gardener’s example, such a problem could be the keyword “molehills in the garden”. The customer is annoyed by the constant piles of earth, but doesn’t know how to solve the problem. If the gardener is found under this search query, he can offer to lay a mole barrier. The customer was not previously aware that such a product existed and is accordingly happy that he found a solution to his problem.
This approach leads to many new keywords under which the company should definitely be found.
In practice, we have often been able to convince our clients of the value and usefulness of our keyword analyses. An online shop commissioned us to research and prioritize all relevant search terms. Since the shop consisted of many different categories, the list of relevant search terms grew rapidly. Before we present our result to the customer, we matched the search terms with terms that our customer already had rankings under. The result was surprising: Thanks to different perspectives, we found completely new search terms for several categories. These have simply not been considered by our customer so far. After incorporating the keywords into his SEO strategy, his visibility and traffic increased. The customer later told us that the success of the keyword analysis had surprised him and that he regretted that he had not commissioned us to do it beforehand.
Again and again we meet customers who do not think it possible that they have overlooked search terms. Commission us to carry out a keyword analysis and do not give away any unused potential to your competitors.
In most cases, carrying out a keyword analysis leads to valuable insights for the client – would you also like to benefit from our expertise? We would be happy to carry out a keyword analysis for your domain.
Short- and Longtail Keywords
As part of a keyword analysis, search terms are also differentiated in terms of their length. So-called short-tail search terms are specific search terms consisting of one or a few words. The search queries are searched for relatively frequently. Anyone found below will get a lot of visitors. As a rule, short-tail search queries are not that close to the purchase decision, as they are not specific. An example of a short tail search would be “holiday”. The searcher would like to find out more about vacation, but apparently has not yet thought about the travel destination and travel period.
Long-tail keywords are concrete search queries consisting of several or many words. The search queries are very specific. “Book a holiday London autumn apartment” would be an example of such a request. From this search query it is very clear what the searcher wants: they want to book a holiday in an apartment in London in the autumn. If he finds the right offer, he will most likely make the booking directly.
As part of a keyword analysis, both short tail and long tail search terms are researched. Both types (and also all intermediate stages) can be relevant for the company’s acquisition process.
If you have us carry out a keyword analysis, you will receive a comprehensive list of relevant search terms – we look for suitable keywords for the various phases of the purchasing process and make sure that the keywords cover the various specifications.
You are curious to see which short- and long-tail keywords we find for your company – we would be happy to carry out a keyword analysis for you!