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Onpage SEO

Onpage SEO – for better rankings

If you want to be at the top of Google, you can’t avoid Onpage SEO. Onpage SEO summarizes all measures that are implemented directly on the website – so that the site is better rated by Google and other search engines. For this reason, onpage SEO is an important prerequisite for optimal placements in the search results. As part of our on-page SEO optimization, we analyze your website and then ensure that the various on-page ranking factors are optimized. We are also happy to carry out off-page SEO measures for you.

On-page SEO check

As part of an on-page SEO check, we examine your website according to the current on-page SEO criteria. Our experienced SEO experts work through a variety of on-page SEO factors and check to what extent your website meets these criteria. Since every website is different, this check is carried out manually and individually.

If we determine during the on-page SEO check that your website offers potential for improvement, we will list this in detail and also explain the corresponding optimization measures. Our inspection also discovers acute and serious problems. A speedy elimination of the latter is particularly important in order to meet the requirements for TOP rankings.

After the Onpage SEO Check, we will discuss the result with you in detail. The discussion of the proposed optimization measures is also part of this discussion. Depending on your wishes, the measures can then be carried out by you (or your service provider) or optionally by us.

Even after the on-page SEO check, we are happy to continue to be your contact if you have specific questions or problems relating to on-page SEO.

On-page SEO optimization

As part of on-page SEO optimization, we critically examine your website for problems with regard to on-page search engine optimization. We also find out possible improvement opportunities in the various areas.

After this detailed analysis, we take care of problem solving and implementation of the individual measures. Our onpage SEO experts can also optimize complex websites and do not shy away from extensive projects.

Ask for onpage SEO optimization for your website – we will bring your website up to date on the latest onpage SEO status and thus ensure attractive ones

Let us optimize your website!

  1. Indexable Website

  2. Optimal page structure

  3. Internal link building

  4. Fast website speed (page loading)

  5. Responsive web design

  6. Use of HTTPS

  7. Userfriendly URLs

  8. Focused content

  9. Keyword optimization

  10. Optimized images

  11. Good readability and UX

  12. High Click-Through-Rate (CRT)

Onpage SEO measures

There are a variety of on-page SEO measures that are checked and improved as part of our onpage SEO optimization.

First, we check whether the website is generally indexable for Google and other search engines. There can be several reasons why search engines are unable to index a web page. A faulty entry in Robots.txt could hinder indexing, as could faulty programming or scripts that cannot be interpreted. In the onpage SEO projects we have already carried out, we repeatedly encountered elementary errors and problems with indexability.

We also check whether the page structure is understandable and logical for Google. Only then can the search engine interpret the individual website elements ideally. In addition to the strict use of H1 – H6 headings, breadcrumb navigation can also bring more structure to the page. A sensible page structure also includes clean HTML code and the use of elements (where appropriate).

We also pay attention to the use of interesting meta titles and meta descriptions – after all, these influence both rankings and the click-through rate of users.
Internal links help search engines to better understand the meaning and importance of individual pages on a website. For this reason, we check whether an internal link has been implemented and whether it is congruent.

Another important area is website speed: a fast website is equally important for search engines and visitors. We use both objective and subjective criteria to check whether a website loads quickly enough (see also page speed optimization). If we encounter problems in this area, we will take care of removing the loading speed inhibitors.

Nowadays, a website should be optimally displayed on every device. Errors in this area are particularly annoying, after all, many websites are already being visited primarily from mobile devices. If the website is displayed incorrectly on these, the visitors are quickly gone again. We make sure that your website looks great on your smartphone, tablet, notebook or desktop PC. Our onpage experts can fix any errors that may be present.

Another onpage SEO measure is to ensure the use of HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate. This makes sense for several reasons: Faster loading times, compliance with data protection aspects and a positive user signal.

Google attaches more and more importance to excellent content and also rewards it when determining the rankings. We check your existing content and see if it meets the onpage SEO criteria. It is important to us that the content inspires search engines and visitors alike – this is the only way to achieve long-term TOP rankings. Good content should be goal-oriented and ideally serve the corresponding topic. Our journalistically trained editors are used for content optimization. This way we can ensure that your content is unique after optimization.

In the course of our previous work, we had to find out again and again that photos and graphics were not ideally integrated. In addition to meaningful image names and meaningful alternative texts, we also ensure that the appropriate compression and image sizes are used. Images that are too large or insufficiently compressed result in longer loading speeds and higher data consumption.

Good legibility and easy operation of the website ensure that the reader enjoys reading the content of the site. This also counteracts a high bounce rate.

In the last step, we check whether there are other sensible measures to increase the click-through rate. This area includes, among other things, striking elements in the meta description or additional snippets.

What is the difference between off-page and on-page SEO?

While Onpage SEO describes the search engine optimization measures on a website, Offpage SEO deals with the opposite. These are SEO measures that are implemented outside of the actual website. As a link building agency, we are the first point of contact for our customers when it comes to buying backlinks.

Our many years of experience as an SEO agency shows us that the combination of off-page SEO and on-page SEO measures leads to a significant increase in online visibility. On-page SEO can be understood as an excellent basis for first-class placements within the search results – and with off-page SEO the effect is then multiplied.

Are you unsure which measures make sense for your website? We would be happy to analyze in a non-binding discussion which SEO measures are necessary for you and make specific suggestions for implementation. With us you reach the first places of the search results!